Sunday, March 17, 2013

St.Patty's Day

Happy St.Patrick's Day!
Okay, not gonna lie, I was totally not festive today, at all. I've been sitting around in sweats trying to get some homework done. Had I actually have a little bit of spirit this is what I would wear. Most of this outfit is from Topshop simply because I was looking around on the website and I found the perfect St.Patty's day outfit. It's cozy, fashionable and festive. What more could you want in an outfit?

1.The oversized sweater is from Topshop and you can find it here. It's such a bright shade of green!
2. I've been looking for a pair of grey jeans and these are perfect. Also from Topshop and if you want to snag a pair yourself you can find them here
3. This black beanie is...well... it's just a beanie but it looked so good with this outfit (it's also from Topshop)! 
4. Lastly, this Butter nail polish is technically green, but it's not a ridiculous shade of green, it's almost neutral. 

Hope everyone had a wonderful day! Make sure to tell me what you wore today!

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